No makeup, No problem?

Not too long ago… I cut off all my hair. Society’s reaction to this simple change, was pretty drastic to say the least. Random strangers would come to me and tell me “how well I pull off short hair”… or on theĀ opposite end close acquaintances would ask me “why would you do such a thing… you are going to let it grow back out, aren’t you?” I wish I had thought to start a blog at the time.

So at the request of my boyfriend to stop wearing makeup, mine (and every girls) desire to have better looking skin, and my goal to live a more simplistic life, I’ve decided to challenge myself to go 30 days without wearing makeup. I very rarely go out of the house without at least some under-eye concealer for my inherited dark circles, a touch of blush on my not-so-rosy cheeks, and of course mascara. The reactions I received about my hair have really worked on my self-esteem, and in fact I am currently growing my hair back out; so I am in fact quite terrified to hear the comments about how I look over the next 30 days.

During these 30 days, I will continue a normal routine: using a face wash, moisturizer, and retinol at night. To ease my comfort and anxiety levels during this challenge, I will continue to wear only mascara.


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